Hello! 👋

My name is Nick Richardson.

I'm a developer with a passion for coding and technology, currently pursuing a degree in IT Programming at NSCC. When I'm not buried in lines of code, I'm often outside geocaching, metal detecting, or gaming. These hobbies have been beneficial to sharpening my problem-solving skills and nurturing my creativity, perfectly complementing my passion for coding and technology. With a commitment to mastering the craft and a keen attention to detail, I am excited to apply my skills to real-world challenges and contribute meaningfully to the tech industry.


Bookstore Storefront

Designing a storefront for a bookstore using HTML and CSS. This project explored learning design and layout techniques such as media queries to ensure responsiveness across all platforms.

Bookstore example

Flashcard Application

Creating a Java-based application for studying and managing flashcards, this program allows users to create, view, and shuffle flashcards. Using Java Swing, the application provides a user-friendly GUI for studying and memorizing information.

Flash card application

Bookstore Inventory Manager

Developing a C program aimed at efficient management of a bookstore inventory. Utilizing dynamic memory allocation, it enables users to add, delete, search, list, and save books in a bookstore inventory. Employing basic input/output and exception handling, it provides a user-friendly command-line interface.

-----Main Menu-----

1. Add Book

2. Delete Book

3. Search Book

4. List All Books

5. Save Books

6. Exit

Bookstore Web App

Developing a bookstore web application using Node.js, and the Express framework. This application fetches data from a CSV file and dynamically renders it using templates. Although a real-world scenario would typically involve utilizing a database and numerous other resources, this project serves as a demonstration of fundamental web app development principles.

Bookstore Example


Nova Scotia Community College

IT Programming | 2023 - Present


Java Icon C Icon JS Icon HTML Icon CSS Icon SQL Icon Git Icon GitHub Icon VSC Icon


I am currently looking for new opportunities and my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or would just like to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible!

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